There is a Welfare Officer and several First Aiders who are on-call for students who have sustained an injury or feel unwell.

The school works with the Borough School Nursing Team to ensure that all vaccination programmes are met and communicated as well as providing advice to our staff and students.

Welfare Room:

  • Provides First Aid for cuts, grazes, burns and for injuries that have just happened
  • Deals with students who are feeling unwell
  • Provides support and care to students with ongoing medical conditions

Parents/Carers expectations:

  • Must declare all medical conditions and needs on the Emergency Contact & Welfare Profile upon receipt of an offer to the school
  • Must liaise with the school to develop and agree an Individual Healthcare Plan prior to admission
  • Must update the school concerning any changes regarding their child’s medical conditions/medication
  • Must provide the school with necessary in-date medication, in its original packaging with chemist labelling with dosage instructions and expiry date information, prior to the child's start date. Students with anaphylaxis must carry on their persons 2 adrenaline auto-injectors, students diagnosed with asthma must carry their asthma inhaler and spacer at all times
  • Must contact the Welfare Office if their child with food allergies requires an appropriate space to eat during break and lunch time

If student feels unwell at school:

  • During a lesson or an extended elective, students should speak to their teacher and ask to go to the Welfare Office - the teacher should provide them with an EXEAT card and the student should report to Reception before going to the Welfare Office
  • During break or lunch, students should report to Reception before going to the Welfare Office
  • Whilst on a trip, students should speak to a teacher, the trip leader or their group leader - the appointed person may administer emergency first aid if necessary
  • Students who report to the Welfare Room will not automatically be sent home - students will be assessed by the Welfare Officer or a member of the First Aid Team and will be sent back to class if they are well enough

If student feels unwell before school:

  • Students should be kept at home if they are not well enough to attend school
  • Students should be kept off school for 48 hours if they have vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Parents must notify the school on each day of their child's absence (see Attendance section)

If you need to declare a medical condition to the School or update the details of your child's medical condition and/or medication, please email [email protected]

For ARC at William Perkin, students must have an Education, Health & Care (EHC) plan in place. This needs to be for ASD and another need.

As inclusion in the mainstream school is part of the package they must be able to be included in the mainstream for 50% of their day. They should be able to access a secondary curriculum and only have mild learning difficulties. As many students have mental health or anxiety needs, children with severely challenging behaviour cannot be accommodated.

Full details can be found in the following documents:

SEN Information Report

Updated: 01/10/2024 355 KB

SEN Policy

Updated: 08/01/2025 360 KB

Help is available for parents who receive certain benefits.

You can get Free School Meals by registering with your local council.

If you have been registered at any point in the last 6 years then you will be eligible for help with the cost of music tuition, trips and other extra curricular activities.

Registering also helps the school get more funding. Some councils also provide help with travel costs, music instrument purchase and the cost of school uniforms.

Please see Free School Meals for more information.